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Suicide Prevention Queensland

Stars regular giving


With suicide rates across regional Queensland up to three times higher than the national average …  suicide prevention is everyone’s business.

Join the stars regular giving program and let’s work together to raise funds for much needed support and services.

Many stars shining brightly create a much more powerful impact than a single star alone.

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Let’s do this together!

Help prevent suicide in your community ...

The easiest and most effective way to put money into suicide prevention in the community is to sign up for Suicide Prevention Stars regular giving program. You can be assured that 90 per cent of your regular donation is directed straight back into regional communities.  Your ongoing donation will make a real difference in helping to fund the programs and services to prevent suicide across regional Queensland.

Suicide prevention is complex and requires sustained effort from everyone in our community. No matter how small the action you take, when combined with the actions of others, you can make a big difference.

It's easy to overlook the significance of individual actions when viewed in isolation, but the cumulative effect of countless individuals working together can't be understated.

By working together, we can create a more resilient community where everyone feels supported and connected. Let's do this together.

Join the STARS PROGRAM today!