Join our regular giving program, be a Suicide Prevention Star ...
Let's do this together!
Research shows suicide is the leading cause of death in Queenslanders aged 15 - 44 and Queensland has the second highest rate of suicide in Australia.
While there is no single solution that will prevent it, there are many protective factors that can reduce the risk.
We know that certain life events and factors can make people more vulnerable to suicide and these are times when as individuals, communities and organisations we can take action.
Suicide Prevention Queensland is an initiative of selectability - one of regional Queensland's largest mental health and suicide prevention charities and service providers.
Through Suicide Prevention Queensland we aim to raise funds so that we can target our services to communities and individuals that need it most.
Become a suicide prevention star and help prevent suicide in your community.
With suicide rates across regional Queensland up to three times higher than the national average … suicide prevention is everyone’s business.
Join the stars regular giving program and let’s work together to raise funds for much needed support and services.
Many stars shining brightly create a much more powerful impact than a single star alone.
Let’s do this together!

Consultation and engagement
- Prioritise community engagement to understand how best to deliver services to those who need it
- Leveraging existing services, not duplicating
- Consulting with communities to understand the unique challenges they face and working together to develop tailored solutions

Improving access to vital services
- Delivering programs and services to reduce loneliness, create connections and a sense of belonging
- Provide on the ground support for those that need it the most
- Establish dedicated facilities that address the urgent need for support in regional and rural parts of Queensland

Training and education
- Delivering vital training to strengthen individual and community resilience to respond to those in crisis.
- Developing accessible resources so people know how to access help for themselves or a loved one
Read stories from those with lived experience of suicide, and follow along for updates on Suicide Prevention Queensland
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Resilience is the ability to bounce back after an adverse event and is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing. It is a quality that enables you to not only survive but thrive in the face of challenges and setbacks. Regional Queenslanders have had their fair share of adverse events over recent years, experiencing floods, fires, drought, COVID lockdowns, and the cost of living crisis. This article will explore the relationship between resilience and wellbeing with strategies to build resilience. Mental health in Australia Mental health is the state of a person's emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reports that 42.9% of people aged 16–85 years have experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life. That is a large portion of the Australian adult population. The role of resilience in good mental health. The World Health Organization identifies the ability to cope with everyday stress as a fundamental aspect of good mental health, and studies indicate that resilient people show enhanced emotional regulation, flexibility, and a positive perspective. Flexing your resilience muscle Resilience is like a muscle – the more you work on it, the stronger it gets. There are things you can do to strengthen and build your resilience including: Your mindset: Look at challenges as learning opportunities instead of unmanageable problems. Know your strengths, and keep them front of mind when navigating challenges. Social connections: The importance of strong social connections with friends, family, and peers cannot be underestimated. Social support can provide emotional and practical assistance during and after adverse events. selectability programs are tailored to foster community and peer connection to support mental wellbeing and suicide prevention across regional and rural Queensland communities. Self-care: Make looking after yourself a priority to build your self-esteem. Participate in activities that benefit your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Things like exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies will bring enjoyment and relaxation that can manage stress and anxiety levels. Coping skills: Understand what coping mechanisms for managing stress and adversity look like for you. It may include problem-solving strategies, relaxation techniques, and seeking professional support when needed. At some point in life, everyone will face challenges and adversity. However, by understanding the connection between resilience and mental health, you can use tools to bolster your capacity to prepare and cope when adverse events occur. Queenslanders are renowned for their adaptability, and innovation, and in times of crisis, we unite to support each other. Help is available If you or someone you care about is in immediate need of support, please contact: Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Standby - Support After Suicide 0438 648 268 Sources Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) - https://www.abs.gov.au/ beyondblue - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Lifeline - https://www.lifeline.org.au/ Health Direct
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Townsville consumers have been treated to a delicious roast lunch and delightful festivities thanks to the hard work of selectability corner and Suicide Prevention Queensland. The lunch; supported by Townsville City Council; was an afternoon of fun, food and laughter to celebrate, make social connections and learn that support is available in the community. Townsville Mental Health Hub Coordinator Jackie Inwood said the annual holiday lunch is always a major success, made possible by the tireless work of all involved. “We know that not everyone finds this the happiest and most social time of the year so inviting the Townsville community to join us for a free holiday lunch helps us remind them they are not alone and that support is available,” Jackie said. Suicide Prevention program coordinator said that he is happy with the turnout to the event. “Hosting lunches like this one where people can come and participate in games or win lucky door prizes and enjoy some good company is exactly the kind of things Suicide Prevention Queensland is proud to support,” Bryn said. Smiles all around from all involved!
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The festive season can be a challenging time for many people, and with some services closing over the holiday break, finding support can be a challenge. The team at Townsville’s Wadda Mooli - The Welcome Space is reminding the community that it will be open 7–days a week, including on public holidays, over the Christmas and New Year period. Wadda Mooli is delivered through a partnership between selectability and the Townsville Hospital and Health Service and provides urgent non-clinical support for people presenting to the Townsville University Hospital emergency department (ED) in emotional distress and crisis. selectability program coordinator, Eliza Meldrum, said the space was staffed by 2 peer workers with support from a mental health clinician, in a calming space away from the stressful environment of ED. “Our amazing team of peer workers, use their own lived or living experience of mental health to provide support to others in times of crisis,” said Eliza. “This includes sharing strategies to reduce stress and anxiety, providing information about services available in the community, and developing a support plan. “We are really proud of our welcoming and inclusive space. When visitors enter Wadda Mooli, they are offered a tea or coffee and can take some time to use the massage chair to relax in the peace and quiet. “By speaking with our peer visitors, visitors are supported to feel empowered, know that they are not alone and that there is hope. “Our peer workers also assist visitors to outline keys steps to take once leaving the space so that a plan is in place to link in with valuable ongoing support in the community. “We are there to listen without judgement, with compassion and empathy.” People attending Wadda Mooli can choose to: speak to a peer worker have a quiet time to reflect share experiences find resources. Wadda Mooli – The Welcome Space is open weekdays from 12:45pm – 9:30pm and weekends 12:00pm - 9:30pm. Please call 4433 3912 to confirm the availability of the service. If you are in the ED, a staff member may able to assist you to access the service. You can find more information HERE Further information For further online resources to look after your own or your loved one’s mental wellbeing. www.headtohealth.gov.au Additional online digital resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental wellbeing. www.wellmob.org.au For crisis support and further mental health assessment, contact the Acute Care Team on 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55) This operates 24 hours a day. In an emergency, please phone 000.
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As stress and anxiety have become symptoms of the fast-paced world we live in it is important to look after our physical and mental health, and often the solution can go hand in hand. Incorporating aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling, for just 30 minutes per day, 3 days a week, has been shown to deliver benefits to your overall mental wellbeing.. General Manager, Suicide Prevention Qld, Sandra Moore (who has an extensive interest and qualifications in nutrition) said exercise could be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. “When engaging in aerobic exercise your brain will start a biological event including the release of the body's feel-good chemical called endorphins,” said Sandra. “Endorphins act as a type of neurotransmitter or messenger in your body and attached to your brain’s reward centers. “Endorphins are released during enjoyable activities such as exercise and can help relieve pain, reduce stress, and improve your sense of wellbeing .” The mental health benefits of aerobic exercise Along with the many physical health benefits of aerobic exercise, mental health can also be improved in a variety of ways: easing symptoms of depression: endorphins released during exercise have been shown to help reduce the symptoms of depression helping with stress and anxiety: as endorphin levels increase, stress and anxiety have been shown to decrease improvement of self-efficacy, distraction, and cognitive dissonance improving self-image: studies have shown endorphins can increase levels of confidence, leading to better self-esteem contributing to weight loss: Releasing endorphins has been shown to regulate appetite improved sleep: helps to fall asleep quickly and improves sleep quality Aerobic exercise and increased social connection Exercise can be done almost anywhere – including in community and social groups. “Even solitary activities can be done in an organised environment like part of a specific club or community group … exercise can be a powerful tool for bringing people together and connecting them to their local community,” said Sandra. “This can lead to improved mental health outcomes, stronger relationships with peer support networks, greater resilience, and a sense of belonging.” Supported by state and federal governments, along with NDIS membership options, our BikeShed program is an inclusive space for regional Queenslanders to connect, work on projects, join in group bike rides, get active, and improve their mental wellbeing. Find out more about our BikeShed program and location on our website. The mental health benefits of aerobic exercise extend past the physical rewards such as weight management, reduced risk of disease, strengthening bones and muscles, and improved ability to do everyday activities. “Studies suggest that this type of exercise creates improvements in mood, and further studies should be done to understand the impact of combining such interventions with traditional mental health treatments,” said Sandra. There are many factors that can contribute to the development of mental health disorders and symptoms. Treatment for mental health conditions varies from person to person and should be determined by a medical health professional. “If you are concerned about your mental health or physical health, please consult a medical health professional as they will provide personalised advice and recommend an appropriate treatment plan,” said Sandra. Before beginning any new exercise program, please consult your doctor to determine if this is suitable for your individual needs. Help is available If you or someone you care about is in immediate need of support, please contact: Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Lifeline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Standby - Support After Suicide 0438 648 268
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This World Suicide Prevention Day (10/9) fundraising organisation, Suicide Prevention Queensland, is calling on the community to take meaningful action to save lives. Two Queenslanders die by suicide each day and it is the leading cause of death for those in the state aged 15 – 44. Suicide Prevention Queensland, program manager, Bryn Hicks said while suicide prevention remained a top priority all year round, having a dedicated day was an opportunity to raise awareness and vital funds for dedicated programs across regional Queensland. “Queensland has the second highest rate of suicide in Australia – every life lost is a tragedy and the impacts are significant and far reaching,” said Bryn. “We need to work together to create a more resilient community where everyone feels supported and connected. “A community-based approach to suicide prevention is the most effective way to reduce rates in regional areas. “Suicide prevention is everyone’s business and the easiest way for regional Queenslanders to make a difference in their local communities is to join our ‘Stars’ regular giving program. “Donations received will help us to work on the ground with communities to identify service gaps and develop programs tailored to the unmet needs of the region.” World Suicide Prevention Day, observed on 10 September each year, is an international awareness day to provide a focus on commitment and action to prevent suicide. If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000. Suicide Prevention Queensland is an initiative of not-for-profit mental wellbeing charity, selectability.
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In the lead-up to World Suicide Prevention Day, Suicide Prevention Queensland and Queensland Police Service (Vulnerable Persons/Mental Health Co-responder unit) are inviting the Townsville community to join them for a FREE coffee and a chat to raise awareness for suicide prevention. The event, designed to reduce stigma and encourage help-seeking behaviour, aims to highlight the significant and long-lasting impacts each suicide has across regional Queensland. Suicide Prevention Queensland program manager, Bryn Hicks, said it was important to acknowledge the contribution that organisations, groups and individuals play in preventing suicide. “With suicide as the leading cause of death for Queenslanders aged 15 – 44, suicide prevention is everyone’s business,” said Bryn. “A community-based approach to suicide prevention is the most effective way to reduce rates in regional areas. “This involves working with organisation like Queensland Police Service to create a more resilient community where everyone feels supported and connected. “We look forward to seeing Townsville locals at Fresno on Friday.” An initiative of selectability (a registered charity), Suicide Prevention Queensland works on the ground in communities across regional Queensland to identify gaps and develop tailored suicide prevention programs.
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